Gladys Okemow

Gladys Okemow 


Gladys Okemow is the Onikanew (leader) for the newly Awasak Weyasiwewin (children’s law) that was enacted on May 15,2023 under KTCAFS (Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Awasak Family Services). Gladys has over twenty years of extensive experience in the mental health field. 

She is passionate about her job and wants to make a difference in children’s lives. She is a strong believer of the best interest of a child and that every child matters.

Gladys specializes in the Human Services Field, but not limited to the making of the Awasak Weyasiwewein from start to finish. She contributed her commitment, knowledge and experience that she gained while fostering twenty-one children in a duration of fifteen years.

Away from her job she had personally found herself selfcare measures by spending time with the people she loves, including her main supporter, her husband of 40 years. She also loves to sing, read, have fun, count her many blessings and reach for stars. 

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